Weekend Workshop with Ty Landrum
We´re super happy that we´ve found a new date in fall!
TY LANDRUM is coming to teach Mysore Style classes & Workshops in Graz!
Ashtanga Workshop with Ty Landrum
Graz | Nov 6 – 8, 2020
Ashtanga Vinyasa is one of the most potent practices to emerge from the modern revival of Hatha Yoga. The practice uses breath and movement to open the experience of the body, exposing endless currents of sensation. The practice is to be present with these currents, allowing them to unfold in the open expanse of our awareness, only to fade back into the emptiness from which they arose. Through this practice, we give ourselves space, and we allow our minds to breathe. Our stories about ourselves begin to unravel, releasing old thoughts, emotions and memories in a blissful flow of consciousness.
In this workshop, we explore some techniques from the Hatha tradition that bring the Ashtanga Vinyasa practice alive—tracing internal currents of breath, balancing subtle patterns of sensation, and moving the body from the inside—all while opening ourselves to the possibility of deep psychical release. This workshop interlaces somatic exploration, subtle body alignment, pranayama, mythology and philosophy. You will sweat, soften, release, and fall in love all over again with the beauty and brilliance of this unique contemplative form.
Surya Namaskar 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Mysore 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Spinal Fluidity 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Breath, Bandha and Folding to Infinity 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Mysore 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Pranayama & the Subtle Body 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Philosophy 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Surya Namaskar means “Salutations to the Sun.” In the context of yoga, the “Sun” is not only the celestial body that gives us warmth and daylight, but the solar center of the subtle body, where our vital forces converge. In Surya Namaskar, we are propitiating to these forces, inviting them to rise up from the altar of the pelvis and burn away our delusions, giving us insight. In this session, we explore the internal dynamics of Surya Namaskar, rediscovering an archetypal ritual of astonishing depth and potency.
This is a traditional Mysore-style Ashtanga Vinyasa class. Students lead themselves through the Ashtanga sequencing while receiving individual guidance and support. This class is intended for people with an established Ashtanga practice. There are no expectations of proficiency, but instructions on sequencing will be kept to a minimum, so please know at least the standing and closing sequence to attend.
One of the surest ways to create a fluid sense of embodiment is to make elegant movements with a supple spine. In this session, we learn to roll the spine from the base of the pelvis to the center of the skull, integrating the internal currents of the breath, and opening the central axis of the body to a fuller flow of consciousness. This session will involve a light practice, with special emphasis on back bending. It will integrate postures from the first and second series, with variations to accommodate a wide range of abilities.
This session aims to bring clarity and inspiration to the confused matter of working with the bandhas. It gives a compelling and informed account of what the bandhas are, how they work on the subtle body, and how we can use them in asana practice to connect with the deeper sources of our being. Using this understanding, we can work with the bandhas more readily, to enhance our immediate experience of breathing through the body.
This is a traditional Mysore-style self-directed Ashtanga class. Students lead themselves through the Ashtanga Vinysa sequencing while receiving individual guidance and support. Intended for people with an established Mysore practice. If you do not have an established Mysore practice, please be familiar with the standing sequence, or ask permission to attend.
Pranayama is the art of listening to the breath, of giving space to the subtle currents of sensation that move on the breath throughout the subtle body. These currents break and swirl in intricate patterns that reflect the unobstructed play of our intelligence. As we immerse ourselves in these patterns, giving them our complete attention, we touch into the natural spaciousness of our awareness. In this workshop, we explore the fundamentals of pranayama, and we learn how pranayama can work on the subtle body to enact the mythic process of Hatha Yoga.
Yoga practice is said to be the antidote for halahala, the poison of conditioned existence. When the practice starts to work, the poison comes to the surface, and darkens the waters of our minds. This experience can be troubling, and disruptive to our lives, but it can also be an opportunity for deep psychical release. In this session, (which is pure philosophy, and involves no asana practice as such) we contemplate the story of Siva, drinking poison from the cosmic ocean, and we consider the possibility of meeting unsettling experiences with compassion, and turning the poison into insight.
WHO can join classes & workshops?
- Mysore Style classes: These classes are intended for people with an established Ashtanga practice.
- Workshops: All levels of practitioners & also students from other Yoga Styles can participate!
Ty Landrum is an international exponent of Ashtanga Yoga.
He teaches in the exploratory and contemplative style of his mentors, Mary Taylor and Richard Freeman. With a PhD in Philosophy, Ty has a special touch for explaining the theory of yoga with color and creativity. His passion as a teacher is to share the brilliance of yoga with anyone who wants to learn.
More about Ty: www.tylandrum.com
Organisational DETAILS
VENUE: wahrhaftYoga @ Schmiedgasse 23a in 8010 Graz & City Yoga Graz @ am Eisernen Tor 3 in 8010 Graz
* take-it-all (full program: 2 Mysore classes + 5 WS) € 250,00
Only on availability :
* Evening & Afternoon Workshops (5 WS in total): € 200,00 [single workshop = € 45,00]
* Drop-In Mysore Style (only on availability; : € 30,00
(Registration for Mysore classes only / workshops only will start shortly before the event, as students doing the full program can register first)
>> UPDATE: Registration won´t start 1st of September as it looks like Ty won´t be able to come to Europe at the end of September! More info soon!
Your spot is reserved after receiving your payment. You´ll get more info about how to wire the money after registration. – Dein Platz ist fixiert nach schriftlicher Anmeldung & der Zahlung der Workshopgebühr (genauere Infos folgen im Anmelde-Antwort-Mail). NICHT SELBSTSTÄNDIG AUF UNSER KONTO ÜBERWEISEN! Mit der Anmeldung akzeptierst du unsere AGB´s. By registration you´re accepting our AGB´s (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen/business terms).
Your´re coming from abroad?
If you come from abroad: It´s possible to stay overnight in the studio (for free). There is an airport in Graz, but it might be cheaper to fly to Vienna and take the bus or train to Graz. For bus connection check: flixbus.at & for train connection check: oebb.at Bus and train are very cheap (15 – 25 € one direction) & it´s a 2 hrs ride to Graz.